What a♥bout you??
Have you ever wondered ♥how to test your Antivirus♥♥ software to ensure its proper working?
If you answer is known then!! Must apply the below arti♥cle.
It’s just an easy way to test your a♥ntivirus. A test which is developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research.
It’s ver♥y simple test named EICAR Test. It will work on any type and also ki♥♥nd of antivirus.
This process can be used by companies, antivirus programmers, and people to test the proper functioning of the antivirus/antimalware soft♥ware without hav♥ing the real computer virus which can cause damage our compu♥ters.
Lets’ see the Proc♥ess >>
Step 1. Open a notepad (N♥ew Text Document.TXT)
Step 2. Copy the follow♥ing red colored code (EICAR Test code) exactly onto the no♥tepad --
Step 3. Save ♥the notepad.
Step 4. Rename the file fr♥om New Text Document.TXT to myfile.com
Step 5. Now run “ antivir♥us scan” o♥n this “myfile.com” file.
**If the antivirus is function♥ing properly on your computer, then it should gen♥erate a warning and immedia♥tely delete the file upon scanning. e you may have to re-install your antivirus.
Points to be no♥ted :-
Most antivirus will ♥pop-out a warning message in the♥ “Step 4”. Itself you can also plac♥e the myfile.com file in a ZIP or RAR file and run a scan on it. So, as to ensure whether your antivirus can detect the test string in the compre♥ssed archive. Any antivirus when scanning this file will respond exactly♥ as it will do for a genuine virus/malicious code. This♥ test will cause no damage to you♥r computer even though the antivirus will flag it as a malicious ♥script. Hence it is the safest method to test the proper functioning of any♥ antivirus.
Have you ever wondered ♥how to test your Antivirus♥♥ software to ensure its proper working?
If you answer is known then!! Must apply the below arti♥cle.
It’s just an easy way to test your a♥ntivirus. A test which is developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research.
It’s ver♥y simple test named EICAR Test. It will work on any type and also ki♥♥nd of antivirus.
This process can be used by companies, antivirus programmers, and people to test the proper functioning of the antivirus/antimalware soft♥ware without hav♥ing the real computer virus which can cause damage our compu♥ters.
Lets’ see the Proc♥ess >>
Step 1. Open a notepad (N♥ew Text Document.TXT)
Step 2. Copy the follow♥ing red colored code (EICAR Test code) exactly onto the no♥tepad --
Step 3. Save ♥the notepad.
Step 4. Rename the file fr♥om New Text Document.TXT to myfile.com
Step 5. Now run “ antivir♥us scan” o♥n this “myfile.com” file.
**If the antivirus is function♥ing properly on your computer, then it should gen♥erate a warning and immedia♥tely delete the file upon scanning. e you may have to re-install your antivirus.
Points to be no♥ted :-
Most antivirus will ♥pop-out a warning message in the♥ “Step 4”. Itself you can also plac♥e the myfile.com file in a ZIP or RAR file and run a scan on it. So, as to ensure whether your antivirus can detect the test string in the compre♥ssed archive. Any antivirus when scanning this file will respond exactly♥ as it will do for a genuine virus/malicious code. This♥ test will cause no damage to you♥r computer even though the antivirus will flag it as a malicious ♥script. Hence it is the safest method to test the proper functioning of any♥ antivirus.
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